Week 127 of Gibraltar Diary

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Sunday 15th August 2010

Before we set off for Luton Airport, we have a cup of coffee in Russell Square Gardens. Pigeons are OK but there are too many. Oh for an air rifle and no spectators.

As we cross the Euston Road we spot what could be a Town Cryer waiting for a bus. Why isn't he on horseback? Looks like a cop-out to me.

We land in Gibraltar which feels very warm. We get yet another blissfully silent taxi home. Has somebody told them to "shut the f**k up" (apart from me, that is)? Suddenly instead of a radio, ceaseless taxi intercom chatter and a nosy driver we have the sound of silence. And they get a big tip "that's for such a nice quiet drive", I tell them. You do the same? Please.

Monday 16th August 2010

The road scheme at the Trafalgar Cemetry is finished and very well it looks too. Well done chaps.

I am feeling a bit ill - probably flu but I don't want to check up on the internet in case it is Bubonic Plague or Yellow Fever

Tuesday 17th August 2010

We stay in all day and I feel even worse than my girlfriend's carrots which also feel very sorry for themselves.

Wednesday 18th August 2010

Today she makes some meringues which actually look pretty good. We don't actually eat them as they taste slightly odd to me but they look very meringuey.

Thursday 19th August 2010

By mid afternoon I feel a lot better and we venture out. In Casemates Square we buy a dangly toy from a nice girl in a little store.

In the evening we watch a programme about the Yorkshire Ripper. It seems that all of his first three victims survived "I was attacked by a man with a black beard and moustache with a local accent". So did they check out all the local men with such face furniture? No, they did not. OK, so maybe they thought it was a disguise but had they shown the photofit on TV they would have caught him in 5 minutes. Instead of five years.

As I heard a policeman remark some years ago "most of the criminals we catch are less intelligent than us". Quite.

Friday 20th August 2010

Our new toy needs an electric motor ...

... and the electric motor needs a battery but finally it is up and running. Quite how and why it works I am not sure but it looks like a combination of mathematics and numerically controlled machining to produce an expanding circle of light as the sun hits the surface. Spectacular.

Saturday 21st August 2010

In the evening we watch Flashdance which is just wonderful. The story is a bit wet but the dancing and music are really awesome. Buying the DVD is compulsory. We'll be asking questions later.

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      End of Week 127 of Gibraltar Diary

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