Week 155 of Gibraltar Diary

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Sunday 27th February 2011

In France, the navigator slightly redeems itself by sending us to a nice Chateau (which, as you would expect, is closed) but there is a nice cafe next door with a charming cat.

In due course we find ourselves in Tournai, which is rather a remarkable place - dozens of restaurants round an old Cathedral.

We spend the night in the Holiday Inn in Calais. Our room is really excellent - not what you expect in a place of transit. The only irritating thing is a built in electric alarm clock which, I am worried, will wake us up at 4.00am and 6.00am. I try to explain the problem to reception but they have no idea what the mad English are going on about.

We search for a manual on the internet but the only one we can find costs $15 and takes 24 hours to arrive. I hide it under a pillow and hope for the best

Monday 28th February 2011

The alarm but does not go off and we get a good night's sleep. We then get the Eurotunnel to London and end up at the Cafe Rouge at St Katherine's Dock near Tower Bridge.

Facing the docks from across the Thames are a mass of converted warehouses.

Tuesday 1st March 2011

We get up at the crack of dawn to avoid the congestion charge and head for Norwich where the crocusses (croci?) are out.

Wednesday 2nd March 2011

In the late afternoon I have to go to the dentists. On the way we pass what looks very much like a free range chicken farm. Is that possible? I had always assumed that "free-range" was just a slogan to trap the gullible. Maybe they are just robot chickens employed by the marketing department?

Thursday 3rd March 2011

In Albert Square there is a fountain which you drive past and never notice.

My girlfriend goes off to Primark and buys a copy of the Royal Engagement Ring - for £2.

Friday 4th March 2011

In the afternoon we get the car washed ...

... and set off for Harrogate where yet more crocusses are blooming.

Saturday 5th March 2011

We leave behind the work of our resident artist and head for London via Norwich and Tilbury.

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      End of Week 155 of Gibraltar Diary

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